Selcuk Cimtalay
Dr. Selcuk Cimtalay is a Senior Research Engineer in ASDL’s Advanced Methods Division. His research interests are in Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) and multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization. He has several years of teaching, research, and industry experience. Dr. Cimtalay has conducted research on various projects on (MBSE) with industrial projects. Before joining the research faculty at Georgia Tech, he worked for 7 years for the software start-up company ClickFox LLC as a technical analyst/quality engineer, and 3 years for a consulting company, Hybrid Solutions Inc., as a lead technical analyst. Selcuk mentors ASDL undergrads and graduate students in their SysML-related learning and research. He serves as an instruction associate in SysML short courses for professional engineers. He has also served on the instruction team for the SysML-related course (ASE 6005) in the Professional Masters in Applied Systems Engineering (PMASE). He is a certified systems modeling professional and member of INCOSE.
- Doctor of Philosophy, Mechanical Engineering, 2001, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
- Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering, 1992, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
- Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,1987, METU, Ankara, TURKEY