Dr. Evanthia Kallou is a Research Engineer II at the School of Aerospace Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and a member of ASDL’s Advanced Methods division. Dr. Kallou’s primary areas of research include the development and application of system of systems architectures, optimization & design processes of engineering systems and stochastic process simulation. Currently, she is also working on the application of model-based methods and uncertainy quantification and propagation in support of multidisciplinary aircraft analysis.

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Aerospace Engineering, 2023, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA - USA
  • Master of Science, Aerospace Engineering, 2019, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA - USA
  • Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, 2015, University of Thessaly, Volos, Thessaly - Greece

Dr. Kallou currently works on the following research projects:

  • model-based systems engineering for exploring design spaces for commercial airline designs,
  • predictive modeling for engine maintenance, repair and operations,
  • cost estimation for aircraft component manufacturing and machine learning,
  • exploration of future approaches for zero-emissions aviation at the fleet level.

Dr. Kallou past research projects include:

  • multi-level design space exploration for model-based commercial airline designs,
  • identification of critical uncertainties in aerospace system design through simulation and propagation,
  • parametric uncertainty assessment for CO2 and Noise stringency options for commercial aviation,

  1. Kallou, E., C. Perron, B. Bagdatli, D. Mavris, 2024: Tackling the dimensionality increase in multi-level, set-based aircraft design space exploration. AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum (in proceedings)
  2. Kallou, E., D. Sarojini, D. Mavris, 2022: Application of Set-Based Design Principles on Multi-Level Aircraft Design Space Exploration. AIAA 2022-3848. AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2022-3848
  3. Kallou, E., A. Gharbi, S. Briceno and D. Mavris, 2018: Analysis and Visualization of Failure Modes on the Wing Rib. AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 56th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2018-0570
  4. Gharbi, A., D. Sarojini, E. Kallou, D. J. Harper, V. Petitgenet, D. Rancourt, S. Briceno and D. Mavris, 2017: A Single Digital Thread Approach to Aircraft Detailed Design. 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2017-0693), https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2017-0693


  1. Mavris, D., M. Kirby, D. Lim, Y. Li, E. Kallou, M. Levine, F. Karagoz,J. Kim, H. Pfaender and C Perullo, 2015: Parametric Uncertainty Assessment for AEDT 2b, Project ASCENT 036, FAA Center of Excellence for Alternative Fuels & Environment, FAA Award Number: 13-C-AJFE-GIT, Amendments 019 and 029. https://ascent.aero/documents/2018/07/ascent-036-2015-annual-report.pdf
  2. Mavris, D., M. Kirby, D. Lim, Y. Li, M. Levine, E. Kallou, J. Kim, H. Pfaender, 2016: Project ASCENT 036 Parametric Uncertainty Assessment for AEDT 2b, Parametric Uncertainty Assessment for AEDT 2b, Project ASCENT 036, FAA Center of Excellence for Alternative Fuels & Environment, FAA Award Number: 13-C-AJFE-GIT, Amendment 014, https://ascent.aero/documents/2018/06/ascent-036-2016-annual-report.pdf/
  3. Mavris, D., M. Kirby, D. Lim, Y. Li, M. Levine, J. Kim, A. Behere, E. Kallou, H. Pfaender, 2017: Project ASCENT 036 Parametric Uncertainty Assessment for Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT), FAA Center of Excellence for Alternative Fuels & Environment, FAA Award Number: 13-C-AJFE-GIT, Amendment 019, 29, and 30, https://ascent.aero/documents/2018/06/ascent-036-2017-annual-report.pdf/


  1. Kallou, E. (2023). A set-based methodology for aircraft design space exploration, enriched with higher fidelity data (Doctoral dissertation, Georgia Institute of Technology).
  2. Kallou, E. (2019). Analysis and Visualization of Failure Modes on the Wing Rib (MSc Technical Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology).
  3. Kallou, E. (2015). Topology optimization techniques of structural components in the presence of loading and system uncertainties (BSc thesis, University of Thessaly, Department of Mechanical Engineering).

  • Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)