ASDL participates in highly recognized centers of excellence sponsored by government and industry organizations and performs various research projects as part of these centers.

Centers of Excellence


FAA Center of Excellence for Alternative Jet Fuels & Environment
Supported by Advanced Configurations, Civil Aviation Research, and Propulsion & Energy Divisions


FAA Partnership to Enhance General Aviation Safety, Accessibility, and Sustainability
Supported by Advanced Methods Division

Pratt & Whitney

Pratt & Whitney Center of Excellence in Aeropropulsion
Supported by Propulsion & Energy and Defense & Space Divisions


Center of Excellence for MBSE Enabled Overall Aircraft Design
Supported by Advanced Configurations, Advanced Methods, and Digital Engineering Divisions


Center of Excellence for Simulation and Digital Twin
Supported by Digital Engineering Division

The Boeing Company

Boeing University Innovation Partnership
Supported by Digital Engineering and Advanced Configurations Divisions

Strategic University Partners

Sandia National Laboratories

Supported by Defense & Space and Civil Aviation Research Divisions

Lockheed Martin

Supported by Defense & Space and Digital Engineering Divisions